Source code for gwent.snrplot

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.cosmology import z_at_value
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo

[docs]def Plot_SNR( var_x, sample_x, var_y, sample_y, SNRMatrix, fig=None, ax=None, display=True, return_plt=False, dl_axis=False, lb_axis=False, smooth_contours=True, cfill=True, display_cbar=True, x_axis_label=True, y_axis_label=True, x_axis_line=None, y_axis_line=None, logLevels_min=-1.0, logLevels_max=0.0, hspace=0.15, wspace=0.1, contour_kwargs={}, contourf_kwargs={}, xticklabels_kwargs={}, xlabels_kwargs={}, xline_kwargs={}, yticklabels_kwargs={}, ylabels_kwargs={}, yline_kwargs={}, ): """Plots the SNR contours from calcSNR Parameters ---------- var_x: str x-axis variable sample_x: array samples at which ``SNRMatrix`` was calculated corresponding to the x-axis variable var_y: str y-axis variable sample_y: array samples at which ``SNRMatrix`` was calculated corresponding to the y-axis variable SNRMatrix: array-like the matrix at which the SNR was calculated corresponding to the particular x and y-axis variable choices fig: object, optional matplotlib figure object on which to collate the individual plots ax: object, optional matplotlib axes object on which to plot the individual plot display: bool, optional Option to turn off display if saving multiple plots to a file return_plt: bool, optional Option to return ``fig`` and ``ax`` dl_axis: bool, optional Option to turn on the right hand side labels of luminosity distance lb_axis: bool, optional Option to turn on the right hand side labels of lookback time smooth_contours: bool, optional Option to have contours appear smooth instead of tiered (depending on sample size the edges appear boxey). cfill: bool, optional Option to use filled contours or not, default is ``True`` display_cbar: bool, optional Option to display the colorbar on the axes object x_axis_label: bool, optional Option to display the x axis label y_axis_label: bool, optional Option to display the y axis label x_axis_line: int,float, optional Option to display a line on the x axis if not None y_axis_line: int,float, optional Option to display a line on the y axis if not None logLevels_min: float, optional Sets the minimum log level of the colorbar, default is -1.0 which set the minimum to the log minimum of the given ``SNRMatrix`` logLevels_max: float, optional Sets the maximum log level of the colorbar, default is 0.0, which sets the maximum to the log maximum value of the given ``SNRMatrix`` hspace: float, optional Sets the vertical space between axes objects, default is 0.15 wspace: float, optional Sets the horizontal space between axes objects, default is 0.1 contour_kwargs: dict, optional Sets additional kwargs taken by contour in matplotlib contourf_kwargs: dict, optional Sets additional kwargs taken by contourf in matplotlib xticklabels_kwargs: dict, optional Sets additional kwargs taken by xticklabel in matplotlib xlabels_kwargs=: dict, optional Sets additional kwargs taken by xlabel in matplotlib xline_kwargs: dict, optional Sets additional kwargs taken by ax.axvline in matplotlib yticklabels_kwargs: dict, optional Sets additional kwargs taken by yticklabel in matplotlib ylabels_kwargs: dict, optional Sets additional kwargs taken by ylabel in matplotlib yline_kwargs: dict, optional Sets additional kwargs taken by ax.axhline in matplotlib """ if fig is not None: if ax is not None: pass else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if "colors" not in contour_kwargs.keys() and "cmap" not in contour_kwargs.keys(): contour_kwargs["colors"] = "k" if "linewidths" not in contour_kwargs.keys(): contour_kwargs["linewidths"] = 2.0 if "cmap" not in contourf_kwargs.keys(): contourf_kwargs["cmap"] = "viridis" logSNR = np.log10(SNRMatrix) if logLevels_min == -1.0: logLevels_min = np.log10(np.array([1.0])) if logLevels_max == 0.0: logLevels_max = np.ceil(np.amax(logSNR)) if logLevels_max < logLevels_min: raise ValueError("All SNRs are lower than 5.") logLevels_add = np.log10(np.array([3.0, 10.0, 31.0])) print_logLevels = np.concatenate( (logLevels_min, logLevels_add, np.arange(2.0, logLevels_max + 1.0)) ) logLevels = print_logLevels ylabel_min = min(sample_y) ylabel_max = max(sample_y) xlabel_min = min(sample_x) xlabel_max = max(sample_x) # Set whether log or linearly spaced axes if xlabel_max < 0.0 or xlabel_min < 0.0 or var_x in ["n_p", "T_obs"]: xaxis_type = "lin" step_size = int(xlabel_max - xlabel_min + 1) x_labels = np.linspace(xlabel_min, xlabel_max, step_size) else: x_log_range = np.log10(xlabel_max) - np.log10(xlabel_min) if x_log_range >= 2.0: xaxis_type = "log" step_size = int(np.log10(xlabel_max) - np.log10(xlabel_min) + 1) x_labels = np.logspace( np.log10(xlabel_min), np.log10(xlabel_max), step_size ) else: xaxis_type = "lin" x_scale = 10 ** round(np.log10(xlabel_min)) x_labels = ( np.arange( round(xlabel_min / x_scale), round(xlabel_max / x_scale) + 1, 1 ) * x_scale ) if x_labels[0] < xlabel_min: x_labels[0] = xlabel_min if x_labels[-1] > xlabel_max: x_labels[-1] = xlabel_max if ylabel_max < 0.0 or ylabel_min < 0.0 or var_y in ["n_p", "T_obs"]: yaxis_type = "lin" step_size = int(ylabel_max - ylabel_min + 1) y_labels = np.linspace(ylabel_min, ylabel_max, step_size) else: y_log_range = np.log10(ylabel_max) - np.log10(ylabel_min) if y_log_range >= 2.0: yaxis_type = "log" step_size = int(np.log10(ylabel_max) - np.log10(ylabel_min) + 1) y_labels = np.logspace( np.log10(ylabel_min), np.log10(ylabel_max), step_size ) else: yaxis_type = "lin" y_scale = 10 ** round(np.log10(ylabel_min)) y_labels = ( np.arange( round(ylabel_min / y_scale), round(ylabel_max / y_scale) + 1, 1 ) * y_scale ) if y_labels[0] < ylabel_min: y_labels[0] = ylabel_min if y_labels[-1] > ylabel_max: y_labels[-1] = ylabel_max # Set axis scales based on what data sampling we used if yaxis_type == "lin" and xaxis_type == "log": if not cfill: CS1 = ax.contour( np.log10(sample_x), sample_y, logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) else: if smooth_contours: cmap =["cmap"]) cmap.set_under(color="white") CS1 = ax.imshow( logSNR, extent=[ np.log10(xlabel_min), np.log10(xlabel_max), ylabel_min, ylabel_max, ], vmin=logLevels_min, vmax=logLevels_max, origin="lower", aspect="auto", cmap=cmap, ) else: CS1 = ax.contourf( np.log10(sample_x), sample_y, logSNR, logLevels, **contourf_kwargs ) ax.contour( np.log10(sample_x), sample_y, logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) ax.set_xlim(np.log10(xlabel_min), np.log10(xlabel_max)) ax.set_ylim(ylabel_min, ylabel_max) elif yaxis_type == "log" and xaxis_type == "lin": if not cfill: CS1 = ax.contour( sample_x, np.log10(sample_y), logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) else: if smooth_contours: cmap =["cmap"]) cmap.set_under(color="white") CS1 = ax.imshow( logSNR, extent=[ xlabel_min, xlabel_max, np.log10(ylabel_min), np.log10(ylabel_max), ], vmin=logLevels_min, vmax=logLevels_max, origin="lower", aspect="auto", cmap=cmap, ) else: CS1 = ax.contourf( sample_x, np.log10(sample_y), logSNR, logLevels, **contourf_kwargs ) ax.contour( sample_x, np.log10(sample_y), logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) ax.set_xlim(xlabel_min, xlabel_max) ax.set_ylim(np.log10(ylabel_min), np.log10(ylabel_max)) elif yaxis_type == "lin" and xaxis_type == "lin": if not cfill: CS1 = ax.contour( sample_x, sample_y, logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) else: if smooth_contours: cmap =["cmap"]) cmap.set_under(color="white") CS1 = ax.imshow( logSNR, extent=[xlabel_min, xlabel_max, ylabel_min, ylabel_max], vmin=logLevels_min, vmax=logLevels_max, origin="lower", aspect="auto", cmap=cmap, ) else: CS1 = ax.contourf( sample_x, sample_y, logSNR, logLevels, **contourf_kwargs ) ax.contour(sample_x, sample_y, logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs) ax.set_xlim(xlabel_min, xlabel_max) ax.set_ylim(ylabel_min, ylabel_max) else: if not cfill: CS1 = ax.contour( np.log10(sample_x), np.log10(sample_y), logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) else: if smooth_contours: cmap =["cmap"]) cmap.set_under(color="white") CS1 = ax.imshow( logSNR, extent=[ np.log10(xlabel_min), np.log10(xlabel_max), np.log10(ylabel_min), np.log10(ylabel_max), ], vmin=logLevels_min, vmax=logLevels_max, origin="lower", aspect="auto", cmap=cmap, interpolation="None", ) else: CS1 = ax.contourf( np.log10(sample_x), np.log10(sample_y), logSNR, logLevels, **contourf_kwargs ) ax.contour( np.log10(sample_x), np.log10(sample_y), logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) ax.set_xlim(np.log10(xlabel_min), np.log10(xlabel_max)) ax.set_ylim(np.log10(ylabel_min), np.log10(ylabel_max)) Get_Axes_Labels( ax, "x", var_x, xaxis_type, x_labels, x_axis_line, xlabels_kwargs, xticklabels_kwargs, xline_kwargs, ) Get_Axes_Labels( ax, "y", var_y, yaxis_type, y_labels, y_axis_line, ylabels_kwargs, yticklabels_kwargs, yline_kwargs, ) if not x_axis_label: ax.set_xticklabels("") ax.set_xlabel("") if not y_axis_label: ax.set_yticklabels("") ax.set_ylabel("") # If true, display luminosity distance on right side of plot if dl_axis: if var_y != "z": raise ValueError( "Sorry, we can only plot luminosity distance when redshift is on the y axis." ) # Set other side y-axis for luminosity distance scalings ax2 = ax.twinx() # Set axis scales based on what data sampling we used if yaxis_type == "lin" and xaxis_type == "log": ax2.contour( np.log10(sample_x), sample_y, logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) elif yaxis_type == "log" and xaxis_type == "lin": ax2.contour( sample_x, np.log10(sample_y), logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) else: ax2.contour( np.log10(sample_x), np.log10(sample_y), logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) dists_min = cosmo.luminosity_distance(ylabel_min).to("Gpc") dists_min = np.ceil(np.log10(dists_min.value)) dists_max = cosmo.luminosity_distance(ylabel_max).to("Gpc") dists_max = np.ceil(np.log10(dists_max.value)) dists = np.arange(dists_min, dists_max) dists = 10 ** dists * u.Gpc distticks = [z_at_value(cosmo.luminosity_distance, dist) for dist in dists] # Set other side y-axis for lookback time scalings ax2.set_yticks(np.log10(distticks)) ax2.set_yticklabels( [ r"$10^{%i}$" % np.log10(dist) if np.abs(int(np.log10(dist))) > 1 else "{:g}".format(dist) for dist in dists.value ] ) ax2.set_ylabel(r"$D_{L}$ [Gpc]") elif lb_axis: if var_y != "z": raise ValueError( "Sorry, we can only plot lookback time when redshift is on the y axis." ) # Set other side y-axis for lookback time scalings ax2 = ax.twinx() # Set axis scales based on what data sampling we used if yaxis_type == "lin" and xaxis_type == "log": ax2.contour( np.log10(sample_x), sample_y, logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) elif yaxis_type == "log" and xaxis_type == "lin": ax2.contour( sample_x, np.log10(sample_y), logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) else: ax2.contour( np.log10(sample_x), np.log10(sample_y), logSNR, print_logLevels, **contour_kwargs ) ages1 = np.array([13.5, 13, 10, 5, 1]) * u.Gyr ages2 = np.array([500, 100, 10, 1]) * u.Myr ages2 ="Gyr") ages = np.hstack((ages1.value, ages2.value)) ages = ages * u.Gyr ageticks = [z_at_value(cosmo.age, age) for age in ages] # Set axes limits ax2.set_yticks(np.log10(ageticks)) ax2.set_yticklabels(["{:g}".format(age) for age in ages.value]) ax2.set_ylabel(r"$t_{\rm cosmic}$ [Gyr]") ax2.yaxis.set_label_coords(1.2, 0.5) if display_cbar: if lb_axis or dl_axis: fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.15, 0.025, 0.7]) # Make colorbar if not cfill: # Make colorbar norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=logLevels_min, vmax=logLevels_max) tick_levels = np.linspace( float(logLevels_min), logLevels_max, len(print_logLevels) ) cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase( cbar_ax, ax=(ax, ax2), pad=0.01, cmap=CS1.cmap, norm=norm, boundaries=tick_levels, ticks=tick_levels, spacing="proportional", ) else: cbar = fig.colorbar(CS1, cax=cbar_ax, ax=(ax, ax2), pad=0.01) else: fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.82, 0.15, 0.025, 0.7]) if not cfill: # Make colorbar norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=logLevels_min, vmax=logLevels_max) tick_levels = np.linspace( float(logLevels_min), logLevels_max, len(print_logLevels) ) cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase( cbar_ax, cmap=CS1.cmap, norm=norm, boundaries=tick_levels, ticks=tick_levels, spacing="proportional", ) else: # Make colorbar cbar = fig.colorbar(CS1, cax=cbar_ax, ticks=print_logLevels) cbar.set_label(r"SNR") [ r"$10^{%i}$" % x if int(x) > 1 else r"$%i$" % (10 ** x) for x in print_logLevels ], **yticklabels_kwargs ) if display: # fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace) if return_plt: return fig, ax
[docs]def Get_Axes_Labels( ax, var_axis, var, var_scale, orig_labels, line_val, label_kwargs, tick_label_kwargs, line_kwargs, ): """Gives paper plot labels for given axis Parameters ---------- ax: object The current axes object var_axis: str The axis to change labels and ticks, can either be ``'y'`` or ``'x'`` var: str The variable to label orig_labels: list,np.ndarray The original labels for the particular axis, may be updated depending on parameter line_val: int,float Value of line plotted on ``var_axis`` if not None. Assumed to be non-log10 value label_kwargs: dict The dictionary adjusting the particular axis' label kwargs tick_label_kwargs: dict The dictionary adjusting the particular axis' tick label kwargs line_kwargs: dict The dictionary associated with the line displayed on ``var_axis`` """ # Set axes labels and whether log or linearly spaced if var_axis not in ["y", "x"]: raise ValueError("var_axis can only by x or y") ax_dict = {} if var == "M": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = np.log10(orig_labels) ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"$M_{\mathrm{tot}}~[M_{\odot}]$" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$10^{%i}$" % x if int(x) > 1 else r"$%i$" % (10 ** x) for x in np.log10(orig_labels) ] elif var == "q": new_labels = orig_labels[::2] ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = new_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"$\mathrm{Mass~Ratio}~q$" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [r"$%i$" % int(x) for x in new_labels] elif var == "z": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = np.log10(orig_labels) ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"$\mathrm{Redshift}~z$" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ x if int(x) < 1 else int(x) for x in orig_labels ] elif var in ["chi1", "chi2", "chii"]: new_labels = ( np.arange(round(min(orig_labels) * 10), round(max(orig_labels) * 10) + 1, 1) / 10 ) new_labels = new_labels[::2] ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = new_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"$\mathrm{Spin}~\chi_{i}$" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [r"$%.1f$" % x for x in new_labels] elif var == "L": # Proposed Value = 2.5Gm: L3 LISA ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = np.log10(orig_labels) ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"Arm Length [m]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$10^{%i}$" % x if int(x) > 1 else r"$%i$" % (10 ** x) for x in np.log10(orig_labels) ] elif var == "A_acc": # Proposed Value = 3x10^{-15}: L3 LISA ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = np.log10(orig_labels) ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"$A_{\mathrm{acc}} [\mathrm{m~s^{-2}}]$" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$10^{%.0f}$" % x for x in np.log10(orig_labels) ] elif var == "A_IFO": # Proposed Value = 10^{-12}: L3 LISA if var_scale == "log": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = np.log10(orig_labels) ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"$A_{\mathrm{IFO}}$ [m]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$10^{%.0f}$" % x for x in np.log10(orig_labels) ] elif var_scale == "lin": scale = 10 ** round(np.log10(min(orig_labels))) new_labels = ( np.arange( round(min(orig_labels) / scale), round(max(orig_labels) / scale) + 1, 3, ) * scale ) ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = new_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"$A_{\mathrm{IFO}}$ [pm]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$%.1f$" % (x) for x in new_labels / scale ] elif var == "f_acc_break_low": # Proposed Value = 0.4mHz: L3 LISA scale = 10 ** round(np.log10(min(orig_labels))) new_labels = ( np.arange( round(min(orig_labels) / scale), round(max(orig_labels) / scale) + 1, 1 ) * scale ) ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = new_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"$f_{\mathrm{acc,low}}$ [mHz]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [r"$%.1f$" % x for x in new_labels * 1e3] elif var == "f_acc_break_high": # Proposed Value = 8mHz: L3 LISA scale = 10 ** round(np.log10(min(orig_labels))) new_labels = ( np.arange( round(min(orig_labels) / scale), round(max(orig_labels) / scale) + 1, 1 ) * scale ) ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = new_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"$f_{\mathrm{acc,high}}$ [mHz]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [r"$%.1f$" % x for x in new_labels * 1e3] elif var == "f_IFO_break": # Proposed Value = 2mHz: L3 LISA scale = 10 ** round(np.log10(min(orig_labels))) new_labels = ( np.arange( round(min(orig_labels) / scale), round(max(orig_labels) / scale) + 1, 1 ) * scale ) ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = new_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"$f_{\mathrm{IFO,break}}$ [mHz]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [r"$%.1f$" % x for x in new_labels * 1e3] elif var == "n_p": sample_range = max(orig_labels) - min(orig_labels) sample_rate = max(2, int(sample_range / 10)) new_labels = orig_labels[::sample_rate] ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = new_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"$\mathrm{Number~of~Pulsars}$" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [r"$%i$" % int(x) for x in new_labels] elif var == "cadence": new_labels = np.arange(round(min(orig_labels)), round(max(orig_labels)) + 1, 5) ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = new_labels ax_dict[ var_axis + "label" ] = r"$\mathrm{Observation~Cadence}$ $[\mathrm{yr}^{-1}]$" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [r"$%i$" % int(x) for x in new_labels] elif var == "sigma": scale = 10 ** round(np.log10(min(orig_labels))) new_labels = ( np.arange( round(min(orig_labels) / scale), round(max(orig_labels) / scale) + 1, 1 ) * scale ) ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = new_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"TOA Error RMS [ns]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [r"$%.0f$" % x for x in new_labels * 1e9] elif var == "T_obs": new_labels = orig_labels[::2] ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = new_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"${\rm T_{obs}}$ [yr]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [r"$%i$" % int(x) for x in new_labels] elif var == "Infrastructure Length": # Proposed Value = 3995: aLIGO, Voyager # Proposed Value = 40000: CE1 if var_scale == "log": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = np.log10(orig_labels) ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"Infrastructure Length [m]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$10^{%.0f}$" % y if abs(int(y)) > 1 else r"$%.1f$" % (10 ** y) for y in np.log10(orig_labels) ] elif var_scale == "lin": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = orig_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"Infrastructure Length [km]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$%.1f$" % (x / 1e3) for x in orig_labels ] elif var == "Laser Power": # Proposed Value = 125: aLIGO # Proposed Value = 145: Voyager # Proposed Value = 150: CE1 if var_scale == "log": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = np.log10(orig_labels) ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"Laser Power [W]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$10^{%.0f}$" % x if abs(int(x)) > 1 else r"$%.1f$" % (10 ** x) for x in np.log10(orig_labels) ] elif var_scale == "lin": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = orig_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"Laser Power [W]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [r"$%.1f$" % x for x in orig_labels] elif var == "Seismic Gamma": # Proposed Value = 0.8: aLIGO, Voyager, CE1 if var_scale == "log": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = np.log10(orig_labels) ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"Seismic Gamma" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$10^{%.0f}$" % y if abs(int(y)) > 1 else r"$%.1f$" % (10 ** y) for y in np.log10(orig_labels) ] elif var_scale == "lin": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = orig_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"Seismic Gamma" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [r"$%.1f$" % y for y in orig_labels] elif var == "Materials Substrate Temp": # Proposed Value = 295: aLIGO, CE1 # Proposed Value = 123: Voyager if var_scale == "lin": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = orig_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"Mirror Substrate Temp [K]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$%.1f \times 10^{%i}$" % (x / 10 ** int(np.log10(x)), np.log10(x)) if np.abs(int(np.log10(x))) > 1 else "{:g}".format(x) for x in orig_labels ] elif var_scale == "log": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = np.log10(orig_labels) ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = r"Mirror Substrate Temp [K]" ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$10^{%.0f}$" % y if abs(int(y)) > 1 else r"$%.1f$" % (10 ** y) for y in np.log10(orig_labels) ] else: if var_scale == "lin": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = orig_labels ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = str(var) ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$%.1f \times 10^{%i}$" % (x / 10 ** int(np.log10(x)), np.log10(x)) if np.abs(int(np.log10(x))) > 1 else "{:g}".format(x) for x in orig_labels ] elif var_scale == "log": ax_dict[var_axis + "ticks"] = np.log10(orig_labels) ax_dict[var_axis + "label"] = str(var) ax_dict[var_axis + "ticklabels"] = [ r"$10^{%.0f}$" % y if abs(int(y)) > 1 else r"$%.1f$" % (10 ** y) for y in np.log10(orig_labels) ] if line_val is not None: if "linestyle" not in line_kwargs.keys(): line_kwargs["linestyle"] = "--" if "color" not in line_kwargs.keys(): line_kwargs["color"] = "k" if "label" not in line_kwargs.keys(): line_kwargs["label"] = "Proposed Value" if var_scale == "log": if var_axis == "y": ax.axhline(y=np.log10(line_val), **line_kwargs) elif var_axis == "x": ax.axvline(x=np.log10(line_val), **line_kwargs) elif var_scale == "lin": if var_axis == "y": ax.axhline(y=line_val, **line_kwargs) elif var_axis == "x": ax.axvline(x=line_val, **line_kwargs) ax.update(ax_dict) if label_kwargs: if var_axis == "y": ax.set_ylabel(ax.get_ylabel(), **label_kwargs) elif var_axis == "x": ax.set_xlabel(ax.get_xlabel(), **label_kwargs) if tick_label_kwargs: if var_axis == "y": ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticklabels(), **tick_label_kwargs) elif var_axis == "x": ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), **tick_label_kwargs)