gwent package


gwent.binary module

gwent.detector module

gwent.snr module

gwent.snrplot module

gwent.snrplot.Get_Axes_Labels(ax, var_axis, var, var_scale, orig_labels, line_val, label_kwargs, tick_label_kwargs, line_kwargs)[source]

Gives paper plot labels for given axis

ax: object

The current axes object

var_axis: str

The axis to change labels and ticks, can either be 'y' or 'x'

var: str

The variable to label

orig_labels: list,np.ndarray

The original labels for the particular axis, may be updated depending on parameter

line_val: int,float

Value of line plotted on var_axis if not None. Assumed to be non-log10 value

label_kwargs: dict

The dictionary adjusting the particular axis’ label kwargs

tick_label_kwargs: dict

The dictionary adjusting the particular axis’ tick label kwargs

line_kwargs: dict

The dictionary associated with the line displayed on var_axis

gwent.snrplot.Plot_SNR(var_x, sample_x, var_y, sample_y, SNRMatrix, fig=None, ax=None, display=True, return_plt=False, dl_axis=False, lb_axis=False, smooth_contours=True, cfill=True, display_cbar=True, x_axis_label=True, y_axis_label=True, x_axis_line=None, y_axis_line=None, logLevels_min=-1.0, logLevels_max=0.0, hspace=0.15, wspace=0.1, contour_kwargs={}, contourf_kwargs={}, xticklabels_kwargs={}, xlabels_kwargs={}, xline_kwargs={}, yticklabels_kwargs={}, ylabels_kwargs={}, yline_kwargs={})[source]

Plots the SNR contours from calcSNR

var_x: str

x-axis variable

sample_x: array

samples at which SNRMatrix was calculated corresponding to the x-axis variable

var_y: str

y-axis variable

sample_y: array

samples at which SNRMatrix was calculated corresponding to the y-axis variable

SNRMatrix: array-like

the matrix at which the SNR was calculated corresponding to the particular x and y-axis variable choices

fig: object, optional

matplotlib figure object on which to collate the individual plots

ax: object, optional

matplotlib axes object on which to plot the individual plot

display: bool, optional

Option to turn off display if saving multiple plots to a file

return_plt: bool, optional

Option to return fig and ax

dl_axis: bool, optional

Option to turn on the right hand side labels of luminosity distance

lb_axis: bool, optional

Option to turn on the right hand side labels of lookback time

smooth_contours: bool, optional

Option to have contours appear smooth instead of tiered (depending on sample size the edges appear boxey).

cfill: bool, optional

Option to use filled contours or not, default is True

display_cbar: bool, optional

Option to display the colorbar on the axes object

x_axis_label: bool, optional

Option to display the x axis label

y_axis_label: bool, optional

Option to display the y axis label

x_axis_line: int,float, optional

Option to display a line on the x axis if not None

y_axis_line: int,float, optional

Option to display a line on the y axis if not None

logLevels_min: float, optional

Sets the minimum log level of the colorbar, default is -1.0 which set the minimum to the log minimum of the given SNRMatrix

logLevels_max: float, optional

Sets the maximum log level of the colorbar, default is 0.0, which sets the maximum to the log maximum value of the given SNRMatrix

hspace: float, optional

Sets the vertical space between axes objects, default is 0.15

wspace: float, optional

Sets the horizontal space between axes objects, default is 0.1

contour_kwargs: dict, optional

Sets additional kwargs taken by contour in matplotlib

contourf_kwargs: dict, optional

Sets additional kwargs taken by contourf in matplotlib

xticklabels_kwargs: dict, optional

Sets additional kwargs taken by xticklabel in matplotlib

xlabels_kwargs=: dict, optional

Sets additional kwargs taken by xlabel in matplotlib

xline_kwargs: dict, optional

Sets additional kwargs taken by ax.axvline in matplotlib

yticklabels_kwargs: dict, optional

Sets additional kwargs taken by yticklabel in matplotlib

ylabels_kwargs: dict, optional

Sets additional kwargs taken by ylabel in matplotlib

yline_kwargs: dict, optional

Sets additional kwargs taken by ax.axhline in matplotlib

gwent.utils module

gwent.utils.Get_Var_Dict(obj, value)[source]

Updates and initializes variable dictionaries used to keep track of current values and variable minima and maxima.

obj: object

Instance of class with parameter variables

value: array-like

value(s) that are assigned into dictionary


value contains the variable name in the first index the next is the current value of the variable the last two are optional and contain the variable min and max


obj.var_dict = ['M',value]
where obj is in this case an instance of a BinaryBlackHole
gwent.utils.make_quant(param, default_unit)[source]

Convenience function to intialize a parameter as an astropy quantity.

param: float, or Astropy Quantity

Parameter to initialize

default_unit: str

Astropy unit string, sets as default for param.

an astropy quantity


Taken from <>


self.f0 = make_quant(f0,’MHz’)

gwent.waveform module

Module contents

Top-level package for gwent.